Tuesday, August 18, 2009

inter.sect Art Collective

As you all may know (or not), I am a member of the inter.sect Art Collective. We are a group of artists who use new media platforms to explore digital exhibition spaces outside the traditional gallery model. Recent projects involve visual translations of text via mobile phones, which have exhibited at the Dallas Museum of Art, the Dallas Contemporary, and at Pocket Films at the George Pompidou Centre in Paris.

Well, we have been accepted into the dffla. If you are not familiar, Digital Art L.A. offers an international showcase of digital and art videos. So join the fun and experience contemporary art at the cutting edge of technology. The video bar on the upper right displays the most recent submissions or visit us at inter.sect and comment on what you see, hear, and experience from our work.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Second Sunday in August

While preparing for the Digital Art L.A. event, I realized that I needed to update the blog with information about the next show.

As a member of Inter.sect Art Collective, directed by Christi Nielsen, the group produces short narrative videos from found text using mobile phone technology. A short history about the group, we formed during graduate school at the University of Texas at Dallas sometime in 2007. This work, using mobile phone technology has exhibited at the Dallas Museum of Art, The Dallas Contemporary, and George Pompidou Centre in Paris, France.

So do not miss Digital Art LA
August 13-15, 2009
Opening Reception: Thursday August 13, 7-9pm, LACDA / Digital Art L.A..

A bit about the production, which is a very complex and delicate mind bending experience. In short director Christi Nielsen will "take things that she overhears during the live event and send them as prompts, then google those phrases to see what comes up and using those as prompts, then googling that prompt to see what comes up and sending that as a prompt. You see where this is going". FYI – the name of our exhibition is OH: ---- Pronounced Oh-H if you are not familiar w/ that, it is short for overheard.

Sound like confusing fun? You betcha!