Thursday, October 11, 2007

Permissions and CHMOD

Letter Meaning
u The user who owns the file (this means “you.”)
g The group the file belongs to.
o The other users
a all of the above (an abbreviation for ugo)

Before: -rwxr-xr-x
Command: chmod o=r
After: -rwxr-xr--

Take away all permissions for the group for topsecret.inf We do this by leaving the permissions part of the command empty.
Before: -rw-r----- topsecret.inf
Command: chmod g= topsecret.inf
After:-rw------- topsecret.inf

Open up publicity.html for reading and writing by anyone.
Before: -rw-r--r-- publicity.html
Command: chmod og=rw publicity.html
After: -rw-rw-rw- publicity.html

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